Updated June 13, 2022


We are committed to protecting your privacy as an online visitor to our website. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles. Therefore, this policy describes the information that we collect about you and how it is used.



We collect personal information from users of our website so that we may provide a service to you. The circumstances when we collect information include, but are not limited to:

  • When you submit a contact form / email form we use the information to provide a service to you (e.g. to contact you to book an appointment).

  • When you contact us (through our Website, email, phone, fax) with queries or issues and request that we contact you, we use your contact details to complete your request.

  • When you subscribe to online resources. If you complete our online subscription form, you will be asked to provide consent to subscribe to our newsletter via an email sent to you. The information collected is used to deliver the resources to you, and you are also sent our monthly newsletter and occasional promotional emails about our services from which you are able to opt out at the bottom of each of the emails that are sent to you.

  • When you use our website, Google analytics uses cookies to collect anonymous information and keeps track of usage data to help us improve the website.

  • If you book an appointment through our website, our secure practice management software, Halaxy, will collect and store the contact information you provide. Again, we will use this details to book and confirm your appointment.


Cookie policy

Cookies are small files placed in your web browser that collect information about your web browsing behaviour. They help us analyse website traffic and behaviour to provide a better website visitor experience. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, though they identify a user’s browser.

Should you wish not to receive cookies you may set your browser to refuse them. This may mean that you are not receiving the optimal service from our website.

Using your personal information for marketing

If you have subscribed to our newsletter or have registered as a client, you may receive our newsletter in your email inbox. This newsletter is intended to inform you of our services and provide useful information about psychology tools and resources. You can unsubscribe from this email at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link or contacting us by emailing We never provide your details to third parties.

Disclosing your personal information

In order to run our website efficiently your personal information may be disclosed to external service providers (e.g. off-site security storage providers, website hosts, electronic database managers), and we request that they adhere to our privacy standards as outlined in this privacy policy. Please note that some of these service providers may be overseas and not subject to Australian Privacy Laws. Please contact us if you require specific details.

We also reserve the right to disclose anonymous, de-identified information collected by us in the form of visitor statistics (e.g. patterns of usage across different countries).

We run a confidential service, which includes your interaction with our website and will not otherwise use or disclose any personal information about you without your consent unless:

  • The use or disclosure is required or permitted by law;

  • We believe it necessary to provide you with content which you have requested;

  • We believe it necessary to protect the rights, property or personal safety of another person or the Company; and/or

  • The assets and operations of our business are transferred to a third party.

  • Please note that where required by law we are obliged to release the information.


Links to other websites

Our website contains links to third party websites, however they are intended for your convenience only and do not constitute sponsorship or endorsement or approval of these websites.

These linked sites are not under our control, and we are therefore not responsible for the content of those sites nor are those sites subject to our Privacy Policy. We are not responsible for any practices on linked websites that may breach your privacy, and encourage you to examine the terms and conditions, and Privacy Policy, or these third party websites.


Security of data

We strive to ensure the security, integrity, and privacy of personal information submitted to our website and we periodically update our security measures.

Please note that no data transmissions over the internet can be absolutely guaranteed to be secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us through our Website and you use our website at your own risk.


Changes to Privacy Policy

As we plan to ensure our privacy policy remains current, this policy is subject to modification at any time and all modifications will be effective immediately upon posting of the modifications on this website. Please return periodically to review our privacy policy.


Should you have any questions or concerns at any time about our privacy policy, or the use of your personal information, please contact us.